Wednesday 6 May 2009

days with my father

Again discovered via @icedcoffee, Days With My Father is a photostory, of sorts, by American photographer Phillip Toledano - google him, he has published quite a few and they're all stunning. I'd briefly encountered it a while ago, but during some mind-numbing frustration over a presentation this evening I took the time to read and digest it properly. And it really is worth the look.

I really appreciate photographers who don't just snap and print, but take time to build narrative and explain what their images mean to them. I remember a few years ago viewing a Jeff Wall retrospective at the Tate Modern. I'd studied him a bit at uni as part of our photography modules, but seeing the images in full projection was amazing; and, more significantly here, being able to read the artist's own narration of each work was the dealbreaker.

The digital age may have heralded the exponential and regrettable proliferation of (pardon me) mass crap photography; but Toledano clearly demonstrates that the web can also be used for some awesome presentation, which rather than dominating, serves the images whilst allowing him complete control over how his narration is put across.

And he appears to have used Century Gothic to do it! Which brings me back to my presentation... eek.


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