Monday 17 November 2008

how (not) to talk about God

Watched Rob Bell say this a while ago. Agreed, but still wasn't sure where to go. Then read this today - "How To Actually Talk To Atheists." It's brilliant. I can think of a couple of people already I want share it and digest it with. I can think of people who will disagree, and those who will find it articulates the feelings they've always had.

Just as useful is Bishop Alan's short summary of why what Joe the Peacock is arguing is so right. Here's a highlight (shamelessly lifted directedly, go to his blog for further recommended reading):

Using the traditional, human-spam model of witnessing, you use interruption-marketing techniques to spread the word about your faith. Because you are Christian, and because you are employing techniques that are unwelcome and unwanted, you communicate the following through your actions:
Christians would rather be correct than listen to differing opinion.
Christians do not respect the personal space (mentally and physically) of non-believers.
Christians feel they are superior to non-believers because they have salvation.
Christians would rather rely on faith as evidence than rely on fact.

That alone is a week's worth of chewing over. So get to it. I would absolutely love to talk this over with anyone who's up for it, it's really grabbed my interest.

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