Sunday 7 December 2008

hot and cold

From a strictly musical standpoint... I'm kind of glad she went for the image change...

...ok, and I downloaded One Of The Boys. The only type of comment I can make that won't see me laughed out of the room is that like many debut albums (where the collection of songs is often a canon covering an artist's entire formative years, see everyone from Duke Special to Avril Lavigne) the range of topics and styles is huge. And (in particular, like Mrs. Lavigne-Webley) it's not surprising that album tracks are completely unexpected. Katy Perry has a load of songs that have been in the background of glossy teen TV shows for years, and you know what? They're not bad - in fact they're probably top class for that particular genre of nail-chewingly-bad, Kelly-Clarkson-esque drivel. Moreover, there's a couple of very clever lyrics and language/wordplay tricks that maybe justify a second listen.

Right *cough* time to stop digging and get back to proper music...


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