Saturday 18 October 2008

t in the barn: the aftermath

So I've just realised that with all the busy-ness over the last couple of weeks, I never actually got around to wrapping up coverage of T in the Barn. And frankly, I still can't really get my head around it. A day of frantic set up, the start delayed by a couple of hours... but it didn't rain, and all the bands showed up. And no complaints! (In face, our elderly next door neighbours can be quoted as saying, "Let it rip!" so there you go.)

It was a fantastic, if freezing cold, night. Music was great, people were great, and we managed to capture the feel I'd wanted, of complete participation. Pretty much everyone there had had some small part to play in making everything happen, whether helping setup, taking a turn on the kettles, doing a run to pick people up from the bus or whatever.

Best of all, we raised £130 for Tearfund and charity: water. So an extra whoop whoop for all.

A small selection of photos can be browsed here on Facebook. Thanks again to all involved. Roll on next year... and hopefully (but hush hush) there might be more, if Belfast-based, "collective events" before next summer rolls around...


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