Sunday 20 April 2008


This weekend I suddenly found myself landed with more work than I dared imagine. Having finished teaching practice yesterday, was looking forward to a restful weekend without any lessons to plan, only to discover that an assignment I thought was due May 22nd is due Tuesday. And with the Songs for Sao Paulo fundraiser on Monday, that means I spent today alternating between staring at this screen and thumping a basketball around the yard.
By some miracle, I've got most of it done. It's a mess, but it's nearly done. [It's also the first time I've done a uni assignment on Pages, previously only used for poster design and presentation stuff, but vastly superior to Word in every way possible.] So at least I won't be wrecked come Monday morning.
And I'm getting really good at three pointers.

1 comment:

David Lowry said...

Because when you play all by yourself no-one else knows and you are Carlos Tevez, or in this case Dennis 'rougher than your hairy hobbit feet' Rodman ;)

btw - I found my firewire audio io so no need for you to bring yours. See you tomorrow.

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